How to dub a new soundtrack on to a video using VidPlayVST and VidRenderVST

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VidRenderVST is an optional add-on component for use with VidPlayVST. Using the two plug-ins, producers are able to compose to video and then encode a copy of the original video dubbed with the new soundtrack. This can all be done within the DAW, so there is no need to use an external video editing application.

VidRenderVST is available for 64-bit DAWs and requires VidPlayVST Demo or Full version 2 (Windows files: VidPlayVSTv2.dll[VST2], VidPlayV2ip2.vst3[VST3]; OSX/macOS files: VidPlayVSTv2M.vst[VST2], VidPlayV2ip2.vst3[VST3]).

The plug-in exports to .mp4 file in either MPEG-4 or H.264 formats.

Free Downloads

VidRenderVST for Windows VidRenderVST for OSX/macOS [Google Drive link]
(OSX/macOS download includes Audio Unit version VidRenderAU)

Step By Step Guide

  1. Insert VidPlayVST in your DAW and open the video you want to work with.
  2. Compose the new soundtrack synchronised to the video.
  3. Insert VidRenderVST as the last plug-in on the Master bus.
  4. In VidPlayVST click on the VR button 'Arm/Disarm for VidRenderVST'. The two plug-ins establish a link and VidRenderVST displays information about the open video file.
  5. In VidRenderVST click on 'Capture'. The plug-in waits for playback to start.
  6. Place the DAW playhead timeline at the video start cue position and set the transport running. VidRenderVST begins capturing the audio and reports progress as percentage of video length.
  7. Stop the transport when video playback has passed the final frame. VidRenderVST reports the length of the audio it has captured.
  8. Click on 'Render' and select an output file name. VidRenderVST reports the progress of the video encoding procedure. When complete it reports 'Finished'.
VidRenderVST displays context sensitive advice notes for additional guidance.
macOS users, please be aware of this macOS Usage Note if the VidRender procedure is not working for you.

Usage Notes

Merge with existing soundtrack

If the video has an existing soundtrack, which you want to keep, then simply route the output from VidPlayVST to the Master bus. In the example shown above the original film has spoken dialogue and music is merged with it.

VidPlayVST 'MIDI: Cue with any C note' option
Video playback does not have to be cued at project time zero. A MIDI note C can be used to set a start point at any place within the project. When starting audio capture in VidRenderVST it is important to set the playhead timeline exactly at that MIDI event.

Render a short sub-section
A sub-section of the video can be selected using the right and left slider buttons in VidPlayVST.

VidRenderVST is 64-bit only
VidRenderVST is a 64-bit Effect plug-in and it works only with 64-bit VidPlayVST.

VidRenderAU Audio Unit version requires VidPlayAU
An Audio Unit version VidRenderAU is included in the OSX/macOS download. It works only with 64-bit VidPlayAU.
If your DAW supports both VST and Audio Unit plug-ins you are advised to use the VST version in preference. The Audio Unit version is a little less CPU efficient.

VidRenderVST does not work with Renoise (tested version: 3.1).

DAW crashes in macOS
If, for any reason, your DAW crashes while VidPlayVST is running then a complete system shutdown and re-boot may be necessary before the VidRender procedure can be used. VidPlayVST and VidRenderVST communicate via shared memory objects but, in macOS, a DAW crash can leave the objects open in unusable state, which is fixed by a re-boot.

A Linux version of VidRenderVST is included with the free VidPlayVST download on the Linux Page.